Any in progress group call may be viewed on the maps tab. Once the call is initiated, press the map tab icon to view the call on the map.
Begin at the Groups Tab. Select a group. Press "Push to Talk" to initiate the call. |  |  |
Tap the map icon. You'll be brought to the map tab and the call widget will appear. Expanding the widget will bring you back to the in-call list. You may drag the widget as needed to see various aspects of the map. If the map opens to a closer zoom than your group can show, you can press the Offscreen Talker Icon or zoom out to see the entire group. |  |
In call members who take the floor will be represented in blue. Any Offscreen talker will be represented by the offscreen talker button glowing blue. |  |  |
To end call, let it go to idle timeout, or expand the widget, press the three dot menu, and select End Call. |  |  |