Duty Mode and Availability
Configured in the Feature Key section of the Admin Portal, the Force Duty Mode menu option appears in the menu under the Available/Do -Not - Disturb option on the device. Duty Mode allows the user to go “Off Duty” and stop reporting location (for instance, at the end of a shift). The device will not report location until the user either starts an ESChat call, talks in an ESChat call, or clicks to enable On Duty Mode. This switch does not affect the contact or group presence icons for the user. Force Duty Mode supersedes Allow Location Disable, so if both keys are enabled, the device will function as on or off duty. This will be reflected in the Android navigation drawer. and the language with activating or deactivating the pin widget on iOS. For new users, unless configured otherwise by the Customer Admin, this option is not available by default.
Duty Mode and Android Devices
The switch appears in the Navigation Drawer. By default, the Duty Mode switch is not enabled, and so no option is available, as shown. |
Once the feature key has been enabled in the Admin Portal, users may switch from On Duty to Off Duty. Be advised that your location will still be visible on others' maps until the next contact presence update (10-12 minutes). |
Duty Mode and iOS Devices
For iOS devices, switch is on the toolbar at the top of the channel list. Unless configured, the default is for no switch. |
Once enabled, the switch is a pin. Tap the pin to go Off Duty and see the pin turn to red with an x, indicating that the location will not be visible on a map. Tap the icon to go On Duty, or simply make or respond to a PTT call. |