RTP Gateway Setup
The ESChat app supports integration with existing LMR radio networks. This requires the appropriate RTP gateway hardware and the appropriate configurations within the ESChat customer via the Customer Admin portal. Contact ESChat Support to enable the RTP gateway setup. Once the gateway user and license have been assigned, you may create the RTP Gateway user by going to the User's tab and clicking "Add." For instructions on creating a user, click here.
The new user will be an RTP Gateway client. Note that the client type must be set to “Radio Gateway.”
The following error dialog boxes will display if you created the RTP gateway user without available RTP gateway licenses. If you see either of these error messages, please contact ESChat Support.
Once your user has been successfully created, view the RTP Gateway user that you just made and click "Edit RTP Gateway" to add the IP address and port.
*Note: If you do not see the Edit RTP Gateway button, then RTP Gateways resources have not been assigned. Please contact support for assistance with this.
Set the remote port to match the server assigned port:
Enter the Remote IP Address (provided by the customer):
Note: We accept IPv4 and IPv6 format; the following error shows when there are incorrect entries by either format.
For non-JPS hardware configuration:
JPS hardware configuration:
The gateway may also be accessed from the department level by selecting the RTP Gateway Tab, then clicking on the gateway to edit. Look for the Activation Code to select the correct gateway. In this case, select “KPORGUXAUL.”
For JPS gateways, the Link Status will show “Active” when connected, all other brands will show as “Unknown.”
In order to make calls, the Gateway needs to be added into a group with other ESChat users.
The RTP Gateways Tab can be helpful in troubleshooting as the “ESChat Status” shows an error for some failures:
By hovering over the error box, a dialog box will appear describing the failure:
The two failure messages are:
This indicates that no other group members are available. Possible causes are that the other members are in DnD, on another higher priority call. This will show if there are no other members assigned in the group. We recommend that you review the gateway’s group configuration and check that the other group members are signed in and available to participate in a group call.
Most commonly this is not an IP Address issue, but rather a Port mismatch; incoming packets that our server rejects are coming from the correct address, but the incorrect port. PAT/NAT (Port Address Translation/Network Address Translation) often causes this. Verify that the port in the gateway is preserved through the PAT/NAT process. Click here for more information.