ESChat and Data Retention
ESChat will retain data for call logs and messages sent using the PTT application. Location history may also be retained for an additional fee. Location History, once enabled, is available for 6 months. Call logs and Message data is available for 30 days and are accessed via the administration portal.
To see call history for a specific user, click on a user and choose the call tab.
Pick the range for the dates and times that you wish to view. Expand the Max Records to accommodate the search time frame.
Click apply. Your call logs will be pulled to view:
The information is available for download as a .csv file which can be opened with Excel. Click the Export button to save the .csv file. Message logs are retrieved in the same manner.
Select the Messages Tab.
Pick the range for the dates that you wish to view. Expand the Max Records to accommodate the search time frame and the desired information to be displayed.
Click apply. Your message logs will be pulled to view.
The information is available for download as a .csv file which can be opened with Excel. Click the Export button to save the .csv file.
Location History is retrieved per user from the Tracks tab.
Pick the start and end dates that you wish to view. Set the Max Records to cover the time range requested (up to 50000 per search).
Click Apply.
User location history is represented by a square marker. Each user is represented by a unique color.
The information is available for download as a .csv file which can be opened with Excel. Click the Export button to save the .csv file.
The .csv file contains all the data for each history point as well as a link to view that specific location in Google Maps.