Understanding TX on D-Pad Devices
If you have been used to ESChat groups, the radio-centric TX display may be unfamiliar. The TX initials represent Transmit. Selecting TX on a channel selects the channel for transmit. If you are used to ESChat Channel screens on a smartphone, then you'll notice that the screen is modified for a D-pad device. To view the recommended Feature Key Settings for D-Pad devices, please click here.
Channels are displayed alphabetically. You may select TX for only one channel at a time. To reach your intended channel, use the D-pad arrows to scroll to the channel so it is highlighted as shown. Devices with channel select knobs navigate through the channel tab by turning the knob. Once you have reached your channel, press the center directional pad button to select TX. The TX turns green and the display will now read "Standby." This channel is open for initiating or receiving a call. To remove the TX, select the channel and press the center directional pad button to select TX. The channels with the TX deselected read as Standby and are ready to receive calls. |