Set a Default Callee on a D-Pad Device
A default callee is the group or contact you set to call with just one push of the PTT button. The Default callee options are reached in the secondary or long press menus from the channel or contact screen. If you do not see this option on your long press menu, consult your Customer Admin who may have removed this option from your device.
They can also be set in the Admin Portal under the Client Settings Call tab. Be aware that an end user may select or deselect a default callee from their device even if it is assigned within the admin portal. To avoid confusion, Customer Admins should make sure they set the default callee and remove the display option from the device.
Choose a channel as your default callee
Begin at the channel list. Select the channel you wish to make your default callee, long press to reach the secondary menu, and scroll down to reach "Set Default Callee."
Now your device is set to call this channel when you push the PTT button. In order to call anyone else, you must manually select another channel or contact. Reverse this action by long pressing on the channel and scrolling to select "Remove Default Callee." |
Choose a contact as your default callee
Long press on a contact and scroll down to select "Set Default Callee." Your selected default callee will move to the top of your list, and will have the "favorites" star shaded in green as shown. They will also appear on the channels list with the TX selected. |
To undo this action, you may select the long press menu from either the channel list or the contact list. The contact will still remain at the top of your contact list as a favorite until you manually clear the favorite status.