PC Client SSL Proxy Configuration
This purpose of this guide is to allow the use of the ESChat PC Client on a Windows PC which is behind an SSL proxy or other netfilter which does SSL traffic interception. This guide is used to add the SSL certificate of the proxy or netfilter to the local PC Java installation.
Obtain Proxy SSL Certificate
First the SSL certificate must be obtained. This will need to be provided by the IT department that manages the SSL proxy or netfilter.
Search for and open the "Control Panel," then select "Internet Options:"
Select “Trusted Root Certification Authorities” and scan for the certificate. This will be the cert installed by the company for the proxy.
** If not there, check the other tabs such as “Intermediate Certification Authorities, etc.”**
Select the certificate in the list and press “Export.” The export wizard will open.
Export it as a DER encoded binary and save the file to your C:Users<username> (Browse to the location):
Add certificate the Java keystore
Once the SSL certificate has been obtained it must be added to the Java keystore.
Open a cmd window and type: cd C:Users<username>
Add the certificate to the keystore
C:\Program Files\ESChatPCClient\jre\bin\keytool.exe" importcert trustcacerts file <filename from step 3> alias mycert keystore "C:\Program Files\ESChatPCClient\jre\lib\security\cacerts”
When prompted, the password is “changeit”.
You should see "Certificate was added to keystore".
Now reopen the ESChat PC Client again.