Device Specific Articles
- Upgrade Paths for D-Pad Devices
- Update Sonim XP3 and XP5S via QR Code
- Open Developer Options Tab on Sonim XP5 XP5s or XP3
- Telus Link migration to ESChat on Sonim XP5S and XP3
- Select the Microphone Source for a Sonim Device
- Disabling T-mobile Direct Connect (TDC) on Cat Devices
- Configure the Honeywell Dolphin CT60
- Setting Template for SD7
- SD7 Walkthrough
- PTT Calls with the Siyata SD7
- Feature Key Template for SD7
- Activate Siyata SD7
- Clear the Application Data or Cache
- Enabling the Xcover Pro Side Key
- Android OS 8 Notification Settings